ZERO BOTTLE是一家循環瓶器服務公司,推出個人清潔保養洗沐用品,於網路平台與實體店鋪販售;消費者使用完畢後,可於多個指定地點歸還,並獲得優惠折扣;接著由物流將空瓶運送至清洗廠清洗、代工廠填充、回到販售通路重新販售。
循環填充的概念可運用在不同類型企業,如美髮店/旅店/保養化粧品,凡是有瓶器需求的企業皆是我們的合作對象。ZERO BOTTLE提供瓶器盛裝合作企業的內容物,並於用罄後提供物流、清洗、再填充、重新上架的完整服務。
ZERO BOTTLE uses circular economic thinking, aiming to reduce the plastic pollution of cleaning products by collecting and re-filling containers after use.
The first product launched by ZERO BOTTLE is a plant-based shampoo, which has been on sale in up to 10 stores in different counties in Taiwan. Customers can get coupons when they return bottles at spots near their house.
By transporting and re-filling, we made ZERO BOTTLE a sustainable product, and the cost is lower than recycle or decomposing it to raw material, which are commonly implemented by other companies.