




官田是菱角的主要產地,然而伴隨而來的大量廢棄菱角殼,卻成為當地環保的頭痛議題。為了以友善環境、永續循環的方式賦予廢棄物新生命,我們結合產業、政府、學校及社會的力量,推出以循環經濟為核心之品牌—「官田烏金 Guantian Black Gold」,將菱角殼轉變成烏金—菱殼炭,並推出一系列菱殼炭生活用品;同時園區內的專利製炭系統除了產出產品外,更因配有完整「熱源再利用系統」及「太陽能電力系統」,成為循環經濟應用的典範。除了商業上的營運,我們也藉由多樣化的園區導覽遊程,推廣友善地球、循環經濟之理念。


As the main farming area of water caltrop, Guantian district holds account for 90 percent of output in Taiwan. But thousands of metric tons of waste shells are burned or buried each year, causing significant environmental concerns. In order to solve this problem in a sustainable way, we brought together resources of industries, government, schools and communities and launched a new brand focusing on circular economy,“Guantian Black Gold”.

To solve the environmental problem, we developed an incineration system to turn the shells into biochar, a form of charcoal often described as black gold. The biochar was developed into a series of daily products. In addition to its output, our manufacturing area also sets an example of circular economy with its heat reusing system and solar electric system. Besides our commercial operation, we also provide guided tours to share ideas of circular economy and an eco-friendly way of living.