


【循環文創】Lab22 / Telic


馳綠Ccilu品牌旗下的創新實驗室「22 製夢所 (Lab-22)」,堅強研發製造經驗,讓 Ccilu 團隊實踐「低碳生活、永續環保、22 歲的善良與初心」。目標於2023年推出全球第一款碳中和/負碳足跡鞋履, 預計在2025年達成全公司營運碳中和。



Lab-22 is an advanced laboratory under Ccilu corporate. With a solid and proven history and background in R&D, Lab-22 drives Ccilu’s core value of social innovation, net-zero emissions and sustainability. Lab-22 aims at launching the world’s first net-zero footwear collection in 2023 and accomplishing net-zero for overall corporate operation by 2025.

All the products are lightweight, flexible, comfortable to wear barefoot, and sustainable. Since 2017 the products and initiatives of Ccilu have won 22 titles from all the major awards. The proprietary technologies of circular economy and sharing economy, product excellence, and social engagement are the 3 core strategies to drive Ccilu’s core value.