

大地旅人 earth passengers


我們主力推廣樸門永續設計,樸門Permaculture為Permanent(永恆的)、Agriculture(農業)、Culture(文化)的合體字,是由澳洲生態學家比爾.墨利森(Bill Mollison)和大衛.洪葛蘭(David Holmgren)於1970年代所共同提出的「生態設計架構」,是一種巧妙運用自然、模擬自然循環,以提供人們生活需求的設計系統與技術,是一種生活態度與藝術,更是每個人都能參與的全球永續生活運動。



We are dedicated to promoting permaculture design for sustainability.

Permaculture is a portmanteau of the words “permanent,” “agriculture,” and “culture.” It is an ecological design framework co-developed by Australian ecologists Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in the 1970s. Permaculture is a system of design and techniques that skillfully utilizes and mimics nature’s cycles to meet human needs. It is a way of life and an art, and it is a global movement for sustainable living that everyone can participate in.

Through permaculture, you will learn:

• How to use energy wisely and efficiently

• How to see problems as resources

• How to use creativity to reconnect with nature and people

• How to regain control over your life