13 10 月 【循環材料】艾瑪絲 AROMASE
艾瑪絲Aromase專業頭皮洗髮精,是國際協會B型企業「對世界最好的企業」的一員,以解決頭皮問題為助人信念,植萃養護頭皮健康。 明星產品捷利爾頭皮淨化液獲得「C2C搖籃到搖籃」國際循環經濟認證-亞洲第一支C2C銀級專業髮品。 捷利爾洗髮沐浴露3in1瓶身採用食品級瓶罐回收再製的HDPE製成(2號塑膠), 95%以上可在自然環境中快速分解。 BREATHE & GROW - AROMASE was established in 2004, with the goal of solving everyone's scalp problems. We have held scalp examination tours around Taiwan to help people have a healthy scalp and solve their scalp problems. AROMASE has already helped 50,000+ people with...