
10 月 2023

  綠腳印國際以降低塑膠玩具帶來的危害為目標,與台灣玩具圖書館協會合作,成立「綠腳印文創」,結合青年夥伴力量,連結玩具設計師,打造各式創意木頭玩具和環保文創商品,例如回收塑膠製成的露露椅。近幾年綠腳印國際更是投入玩具的資源循環再生系統,與新創的「玩具盒子」共同搭上綠色的列車,透過二手販售找到新的家,是一次對環保和創新的教育之旅,帶領下一代進入玩具再生的奇妙旅程。   Green Footprint, to reduce the harm caused by plastic toys, has partnered with the Taiwan Toy Library Association to establish "Green Footprint Creative." By harnessing the power of youth partners and connecting toy designers, they are creating a variety of imaginative wooden toys and environmentally...

  「自然.簡單.純粹」是NatureWorks自然系的品牌核心理念。產品以天然纖維為基礎,倡導理性環保。2012年成立以來,不斷進化、轉型,珍惜資源仍然是我們最簡單的初心。 利用栽切剩餘皮革,結合因庫存而棄置的材料,如棉線、亞麻線、棉、麻布料等多元素材,這些都是具有持續生命潛力的材料來源。堅持手作設計「需要」而非「想要」的生活必需品。   "Natural. Simple. Pure." is the core brand concept of NatureWorks. Products are grounded in natural fibers, advocating for rational environmentalism. Since its establishment in 2012, NatureWorks has continuously evolved, but cherishing resources remains our simplest mission. Utilizing leftover leather and combining materials discarded due to inventory...

  袋代設計的核心團隊,是由一群具有設計專業的斜槓青年及全職媽媽們,在全台跨區協作而成的團隊。在探索減廢的社會議題裡,看見更多得以運用「設計」的解答方式,經過整合收集各種邊角材料與剩料,用設計讓各種資源都獲得更好更妥善的運用。除了不斷開發永續設計專案,袋代在永續教育的深耕與推動也不遺餘力,同時與身障團體合作開發各項專案,尋找更加妥善運用社會邊角資源的永續模式。   DaiDai Design team is a social enterprise with industrial design background. With Cradle to Cradle production concept, dedicated to sustainable design, education and handicrafts, repurposing offcut materials such as fabric and leather through hands-on workshops. DaiDai wants to come up with solutions that can reduce plastic...

  |不紙是高粱,屬於小島金門的明信片| 將釀造金門高粱酒後的酒糟與紙漿結合,手工抄紙製成一張張屬於小島金門的紙材。 紙張可見高粱與小麥碎屑,保留著在地的分子,能藉此感受這片土地。紙張用途廣泛,可應用在紙類相關的載體:明信片、名片等。 我們使用絹印的方式,將在小島上的感受書寫成文字,一張張印刷在紙張上製作成明信片,將在地最原始的純粹從金門分享給各地的旅人。   The lee comes from the end of the brewing process of Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor with a combination of paper pulp; the hand-made paper material particularly belongs to such a small Kinmen Island. You may see the scrap of Kinmen sorghum and wheat on the paper, which...

  飲茶文化是台灣生活中的一部分,每年瓶裝茶飲產生27萬噸的茶渣,過去茶渣都被用來作為堆肥,但茶渣中的茶多酚、多孔性結構以及茶香味都有很好的應用價值。唯一缺點是茶渣的水分含量高、易腐敗,因此博堯生技利用微生物發酵的方式延長茶渣的保存及穩定茶渣的品質,再製為貓咪家庭需要的“BIOYO益生菌茶葉貓砂”,以天然再生原料製作貓砂,降低環境負擔,延長茶葉使用週期,產品中更添加氨氣降解益生菌,增添貓砂除臭特性,在優化產品的同時更涵蓋了守護地球的理念。   The culture of drinking tea has become a part of Taiwanese life. Every year in Taiwan, bottled tea produces 270,000 tons of tea residue. In the past, these residues were used as compost. However, the tannins, porous structure, and aroma in tea residue have significant...

    我們公司致力於環保天然材質布料開發,有將近二十年的豐富經驗與國際知名品牌設計師合作,生產的布料用於鞋子衣服背包以及電子產品。鳳梨布和菱角殻碳布是我們最新環保材質的布料,不僅有吸溼排汗效果更有天然抗菌除臭機能。         When you bite into a juicy and crunchy water chestnut, have you wondered what else it can do? Not only is it a delicious piece of heaven, its shell has functionality as well. Every year in the Guantian District in Tainan, Taiwan, 4600 tones of water...

  Capriole 提供循環經濟商業模式的完整解決方案,讓被棄置的咖啡渣獲得再次利用,提升其附加價值。 該公司的專利解決方案,可將咖啡渣轉化為多用途的燃料塊。   On a hidden spot in the Binckhorst in The Hague, Capriole Café is a lovely oasis in the city. With a great eye for detail, an old and abandoned paint factory from 1920 has been tastefully converted into a restaurant, coffee bar, coffee roastery...

  自1950年工業革命以來,塑膠被廣泛地應用在家庭用品、生活用品、飲食用品或工業用品,觸目所及幾乎無一不與塑料相關。為了減少石化原料的使用,我們投入天然素材與永續材料的研發,試圖為下一個世代減少石化原料的使用。 我們首個明星商品為「MiToy-天然米香積木」,應用了農業廢棄物-C級米的米澱粉做為減塑材料,並結合視覺、觸覺、味覺、嗅覺與邏輯發展,兼具固齒器與積木功能,用台灣的味道,陪伴小朋友從嘴巴玩到腦袋瓜!     Since the industrial revolution in 1950, plastics have been widely used in household products and daily necessities. In order to reduce the use of petrochemical raw materials, we invested in the research and development of natural materials and sustainable materials to reduce the use of...

            Positive. 提倡用更純粹和特殊的品質 去打造越簡單的商品 讓衣服成為一種顏料,它勾勒出你穿搭的樣貌 讓服飾不只是日常,更是每時期值得保留的藝術品 素T 不只是消耗品 高品質卻也享受於更歷久彌新的格調 每件衣服背景跟需求都不同卻也都有的相同的出發點 循環設計的實踐,更是為循環生活的未來而存在。 永生T的誕生來自於台灣海島國家,循環使用更顯得格外重要 取之於umofil 虱目魚鱗環保紗線混合GreenOne生物可分解 讓每日垂手可得的時尚都能為未來存下每一分環保   Positive is dedicated to providing pure and simple products for our customers. We're the highlights to polish your styles. We're beyond season, We're classic and timeless. Each product is built out of different stories and needs, but shares the same purpose: The fulfillment of...

    產品名:環保盆栽 環保盆栽共三款,盆器由咖啡殼、 堅果殼 、 秸稈三種不同的農業廢棄物材料製成,可分解於土壤中,回歸大自然。 無土栽培,採用易植棉為媒介,可保水透氣,維持水分與空氣的最佳平衡,讓您輕鬆體驗栽種樂趣!   Our product is the “Eco Pot”- a biodegradable planter that returns to nature in the soil. We have three varieties of these eco-friendly potted plants crafted from agricultural waste - coffee husks, nut shells, and wheat straw.   ...

    不垃圾場,致力於塑膠再生與循環經濟,從塑膠的研究、收集、清洗、設計、再生,我們全部自己來!轉化廢棄塑膠為再生產品,減少塑膠污染,建立可持續的社會。我們關注環境議題並積極推廣,希望與您攜手打造更環保的未來!加入不垃圾場,共同改變塑膠的命運,保護地球家園!         At "Trasholove," we envision a world where plastic waste is no longer seen as a problem but as a valuable resource. Our vision is to lead the way in the plastic recycling industry, driving innovation and promoting environmental responsibility.  ...

  隆順綠能是臺灣第一家以「固體再生燃料(Solid Recovered Fuel, SRF) 製造廠」合法登記並已正式量產運作的製造廠,公司創辦核心為國立高雄科技大學博士級研究員,主要營運模式將舊衣、廢紡織纖維及廢塑膠等難以處理、不易去化之廢棄物以獨特專利技術予以燃料化,目前專注在回收事業廢棄物並以專利製程轉製為具高能源緻密度之固體再生燃料,以取代現有燃煤等傳統化石燃料。公司產品規格符合國際及歐盟標準,燃燒特性可取代煤炭,且對環境衝擊僅煤碳1/5,創造綠能及減碳目標之企業社會責任(CSR),提升企業永續經營及循環經濟價值,並與國際再生能源趨勢相接軌。   Longshun Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd is the first Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) manufacturer in Taiwan, and we are currently the largest SRF manufacturer with a stable supply in Taiwan. The core members of the company are doctoral researchers at the...