


七逃藝術Chito Art

藉由設計跨領域整合、異業合作模式,積極研發回收⽔泥紙袋、⽜仔布、咖啡⿇布袋、寶特瓶、油漆 桶製作循環設計產品,呈現永續時尚美感。透過循環設計帶動地方創生,常舉辦舊衣改造、植物染、蜂蠟布等循環工藝體驗特色活動。透過⾃在靜靜、慢慢地體驗 ⽣活中回收品簡易改造的教學課程,展開地方循環創⽣之旅,從⼟壤開始,分享改善⼟壤的經歷、邀各位⼀起參與這個旅⾏ ⼟壤放置⽔泥植栽袋加入了種⼦或種苗,親⾃培育出⾃⼰的草、 花、菜,觀賞植物,並在⽥園裡採收香草製作純露, 體驗簡單⽣活樂趣無窮。


By designing cross-disciplinary integration and cross-industry cooperation models, we actively develop circular design products using recycled materials such as cement paper bags, denim, coffee burlap bags, PET bottles, and paint cans, showcasing the aesthetic appeal of sustainable fashion. Through circular design, we drive local revitalization and frequently organize unique workshops on circular crafts, including old clothing transformation, plant dyeing, and beeswax wraps. These workshops offer a quiet and slow-paced experience, where participants can learn simple recycling transformations and embark on a journey of local circular creation. Starting from the soil, we share experiences in soil improvement and invite everyone to join this journey. Cement planting bags are filled with seeds or seedlings, allowing participants to cultivate their own grass, flowers, and vegetables. They can enjoy watching the plants grow and harvest herbs from the garden to make hydrosols, experiencing the endless joy of a simple life.