


O2 Lab 海漂實驗室

O2 Lab海漂實驗室來自台灣的離島澎湖,小島因東北季風和洋流的關係,匯聚了十多個國家的海漂垃圾,令人心碎的垃圾沙灘年復一年。從攝影師觀察的眼,看見了大海的美麗與哀愁,開始在澎湖海岸上長期淨灘,並在工作室中與來自四面八方的藝術創作者、海漂藝工隊友們,實驗海洋廢棄物可以如何改造,賦予第二生命。藉由海廢改造後的作品、商品,吸引不同族群的關注,進而讓更多人知道海洋與垃圾問題。減少垃圾從麻煩自己一點點開始,讓我們一起當個體貼的地球人吧 : ) 目前O2 Lab已成立九年,致力於淨灘環境、美感教育及拾起的海洋廢棄物循環再利用。


O2 Lab comes from the outlying island of Penghu, Taiwan. Due to the northeast monsoon and ocean currents, the small island gathers marine debris from more than ten countries, resulting in heartbreaking garbage-strewn beaches year after year. Through the eyes of a photographer, the beauty and sorrow of the sea are observed, leading to long-term beach cleanups along the Penghu coast. In the studio, collaborations with artists from all over experiment with how ocean waste can be transformed and given a second life. Through the transformed works and products made from marine debris, attention from different groups is attracted, raising awareness about ocean and waste issues. Reducing waste starts with small changes in our own lives, so let’s all strive to be considerate Earth citizens together 🙂 O2 Lab has been established for nine years, dedicated to beach cleanup, aesthetic education, and the recycling of collected marine debris.