


Boven 雜誌圖書館



Boven is the first magazine library in Taiwan which was established in 2015. We have more than 40,000 title collections which focus on design, fashion, travel, life-style and the arts; including numerous rare and inaugural editions. 400 new publications are added each month. Inside you will be offered slippers and a comfortable space for reading your magazine of choice all day. We also host a reading/talk event regularly. boven means “above ” in Dutch, because of the location is in a basement, so we hope when everyone came to boven could find more possibility and imagination above here. boven cafe in 1F was opened in 2019. The concept is also based on magazine. We curate or more explicitly “edit” the exhibition about variety issue such as fashion, branding, reading, sweets and coffee each month. Here is not only a coffee shop but also a space of inspiration.