


【Trash is nice】Pouch Your way out of Plastic


一、簡介與背景Introduction and background


Trash is Nice 是位於柬埔寨金邊 Koh Pich 的 Treellion Park 的當地回收中心。我們驕傲地成為全球 Precious Plastic 社區的一員,致力於改變人們看待和回收塑料的方式。


Trash is Nice 不僅僅是一個回收中心,更是一個教育平台。我們致力於向社區傳遞有關塑料回收的重要性和環保的知識。我們舉辦工作坊和活動,讓參與者親身體驗塑料回收的過程,並學習如何創造性地利用塑料廢料製作新產品。我們相信,通過這些活動,我們可以激發更多人加入我們的行列,共同為環境保護和可持續發展做出貢獻。

通過這些努力,我們希望能夠改變人們對塑料廢料的看法,讓他們意識到每一塊塑料都有其潛在的價值。最終,我們的目標是建立一個更清潔、更綠色的未來,讓回收塑料成為每個人生活中的一部分。Trash is Nice,讓我們一起將垃圾變得美好。


Trash is Nice is a local recycling center located in Treellion Park, on Koh Pich in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. As proud members of the global Precious Plastic community, we are dedicated to transforming the way we see and recycle plastic.

Our mission is to give plastic waste a new purpose by creating valuable and practical items from it. By collecting plastic from various sources such as individuals, restaurants, cafes, and companies, we prevent it from ending up in the environment. Through our recycling process, we aim to showcase the power of recycling and handcrafting, highlighting the value of recycling plastic and sharing sustainable practices.



二、講者背景介紹 Speaker Introduction


Alix Langlois
創辦人 – 在柬埔寨生活了六年,逐漸培養了利用廢棄物作為資源進行創作的熱情。Trash is Nice 是一個讓我不斷探索新解決方案並與志同道合的合作夥伴開發新項目的機會。Founder – Living in Cambodia for 6 years, I grew my passion for creating by using waste as a resource. Trash is Nice is an opportunity to always explore new solution and develop new projects with like-minded partners.


Elora Wagner
共同創辦人 – 八年前在學習美術時,我發現了對塑膠的熱情。使用這種材料既是挑戰也是靈感的來源,驅使我不斷尋求更好的解決方案,並無止境地發展我的創造力。
Co-founder – I discovered my passion for plastic while studying fine art 8 years ago. Working with this material has been both a challenge and a source of inspiration, driving me to constantly seek better solutions and develop my creativity endlessly.




三、分享內容及流程 Share Content and Process


演講分享  30分

體驗手作  1小時

During this workshop, participants will learn how to create a pouch using soft plastic waste, such as plastic bags or packaging materials. Through step-by-step guidance and hands-on practice, you will discover the art of upcycling and the importance of reusing materials in innovative ways. By the end of the session, each participant will have their own unique pouch to take home, serving as a tangible symbol of their commitment to reducing waste and embracing sustainable practices.




四、你可以支持此計劃的方式 Support Method

  •    減少塑膠的使用 Reduce Plastic Use
  •    捐款支持Support with Donations
  •    消費採購Purchase and Consumption