


Turn to Art Co., Ltd.

Wishulada 的作品不僅展示了廢棄物的數量,還能啟發大家重視環境問題,鼓勵人們有效地再利用周圍的廢棄材料,從而獲得最大的效益。她相信,從上游的生產過程到下游的消費者,創造力和適當的操作規劃結合在一起,可以減少丟棄的廢棄材料數量,推動長期的永續發展。廢棄物問題不僅僅是某一群人的責任,而應該是每一位利用地球自然資源的人的責任和義務。


‍Artworks of WISHULADA can be one instrument that indicates the amount of waste and encourage everyone to be aware of environmental problems. Besides, they can inspire people to effectively reuse the wasted materials surrounding us to reach the highest benefit.

‍WISHULADA believes that the power of creativity together with suitable operational planning from upstream, such as production process, until downstream, such as consumer, to reuse waste materials, will reduce the amount of waste materials that are discarded to be least left. This can be one supporting part of the mechanism for future sustainability. Because the waste problem issues are kept mentioned for the length of time and cannot be solved by just only a group of people, therefore this topic should be encouraged as a duty and responsibility of everyone who is living and exploiting natural resources of the world.