


Jayav Art

這個冒險開始於2010年,當時著名的法國藝術家 Philippe Brousseau 被經歷了30年戰爭摧殘的柬埔寨所觸動。這個國家的人民擁有佛教哲學、非凡的歡迎態度以及對任何考驗的寬容,很快就吸引了他。


Philippe 和 Tara 希望有意識地創作他們的紙漿藝術。這就是為什麼他們專注於環保方法,意識到他們採取的每一步都會影響地球和其上的人們。


The adventure began in 2010 when Philippe Brousseau, a French artist of great renown was touched by a Cambodia ravaged by 30 years of war. Its people with Buddhist philosophy, its extraordinary welcome and its tolerance to any test quickly seduced him. Then, he decided to settle in the cultural capital of Siem Reap, a stone’s throw from the temples of Angkor. Soon after, he met his Cambodian counterpart, Tara, who was also passionate about papier-mâché art and had the same desire to promote this local art that was still unknown internationally. Philippe and Tara want to create their Papier-Mâché Art with conscience. It’s why they focus on an environmentally friendly approach, realizing that every step they take affects the planet and the people on it.