


Shaw Contract 美國設計循環地毯 Semiflor


Shaw Contract 全系列EcoWorx地毯,以搖籃到搖籃的設計原則,設計出第一款不含PVC的地毯。在地毯使用結束後,由太格負責台灣地區集結,回收至美國原廠的循環工廠,將使用過的地毯進行分離、拆件、揉碎,最後成為下一張同等品質的EcoWorx地毯的原材料,真正做到一個閉合循環產品的價值鏈,地毯的原材料可以100%重複使用,減少對新原物料開採的需求,沒有廢棄物的產生,同級循環的地板材料。

Shaw Contract’s EcoWorx carpet, based on the cradle-to-cradle design principle, features the first PVC-free carpet. After the carpets’ lifecycle ends, they are collected in Taiwan by Semiflor, then sent back to Shaw’s recycling plant in Georgia, United States. The used carpets are separated, dismantled, and crushed to become raw materials for new EcoWorx carpets of the same quality. This closed-loop product value chain allows 100% reuse of carpet materials, reducing the need for new raw materials and avoiding waste production, thereby creating sustainable, recyclable flooring materials.