
8 月 2024

「布藝young修惜站」於2018年由桃園市環境保護局授牌成立,作為二手牛仔褲修復和再銷售的站點。致力於將回收的牛仔褲升級改造為時尚的丹寧創意產品,讓二手牛仔褲獲得新生並創造附加價值。這不僅減輕了環境負擔,還強調了循環經濟和可持續再生的重要性,共同推動環保時尚的再生產品。   The Fabric Young Repair and Reuse Centre was established in 2018 by the Taoyuan City Environmental Protection Bureau as a logistics center for the repair and resale of recycled items. The main work involves upcycling recycled jeans into fashionable denim creative products, giving second-hand jeans...

台灣茶具有限公司以循環經濟為理念將蚵殼粉結合天目釉茶具製作,注重可持續發展和資源再利用。 蚵殼被視為一種廢棄物,但是透過專利技術和傳統陶製工藝結合,被轉化為『油滴天目釉』的茶器製品。產業的發展不僅促進經濟增長,還推動環保和陶藝文化傳承的進程。   Based on the concept of circular economy, Taiwan Tea Set Co., Ltd. combines oyster shell powder with Tianmu glaze tea sets to make tea sets, focusing on sustainable development and resource reuse. Oyster shells are considered a waste, but through a combination of patented...

萊芙文創有限公司品牌「青珠寶」以電子產業廢料回收再次的貴金屬為主要材料,經過處理和加工,製作成高品質的珠寶設計。 除了回收貴金屬外,也配合「社會企業」木料循環廠商共同設計複合材質產品,以環保和永續發展為原則。 產品包括戒指、手鍊、珠飾、項鍊、吊墜等。使用再生金屬循環木料等材料。   Life Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd. brand "Young Jewelry" uses precious metals recycled from electronic industry waste as the main material, which are processed and crafted into high-quality jewelry designs. In addition to recycling precious metals, the company collaborates with "social enterprises" wood recycling...

樸植作深耕澎湖多年,應用可再生自然資源和文化技藝,重拾澎湖人依海而生的生活智慧,活用澎湖外來入侵「銀合歡」,結合自身的設計專業,致力於發展ESG永續材料加值應用,實踐「取之自然.用於生活」的精神。   PU' Studio has been deeply rooted in Penghu for many years, applying renewable natural resources and cultural techniques to rediscover the wisdom of Penghu's coastal living. By effectively utilizing the invasive "Leucaena" species from Penghu and combining it with our design expertise, we are dedicated...

擅長療癒設計並結合永續概念與循環設計 , 於日常生活中持續創新與創作,躲在興趣中,療癒自己,關心社會,想療癒這個世界。 透過隨手可得的回收紙,以及海廢牡礪殼粉製成的擴香石學習材料,融入不同的主題與情境,推廣校園永續環保手作體驗教育 。   Specializing in healing design that combines sustainability and eco-friendly design, she continually innovates, creates, indulges herself in hobbies, cares for society, and wishes to heal herself and the world. Available recycled paper and oyster shells are used to create learning materials,...

  國小學童正值發育期,制服汰換的頻率較高,然而這些制服的品質往往仍然堪用甚至優良,卻因為尺寸被迫提早淘汰,且在剛進入校園時,不同於幼兒園的午休,需要在課桌椅上趴著午休,許多學童時常在一開始不習慣而無法入眠。不僅可能影響到下午上課的精神,也有機會因為肩頸不適而影響身心健康。希望透過Cuddle材料包增進家庭成員間的感情,同時學習珍惜資源與惜物的概念。   Elementary school children, who are in their growth period, often outgrow their uniforms more frequently. However, the quality of these uniforms often remains usable or even excellent, yet they are prematurely discarded due to size constraints. When they first enter school, unlike in kindergarten, they...

「金淨」致力於解決金紙灰燼問題,賦予廢棄物創新價值,達成循環經濟。 以小琉球為計劃起點,與在地廟宇攜手合作,推動環境保護和文化傳承,成為宗教、環保和在地文化的推廣者,並創造宗教、美觀、實用共融的文創商品。 金淨期盼透過金紙灰燼循環再生,為環境保護盡一份心力,賦予宗教文化新價值。   " Diligent Biotech Ltd." is committed to solving the problem of joss paper ashes, giving innovative value to waste, and achieving a circular economy. Starting with Liuqiu, we work hand in hand with local temples to promote environmental protection and cultural inheritance. We aim to...

金屬線狀塑形,著重在以線型元素操作立體造形,除了運用典型的金屬線之外,還可以延伸到其他有機或無機的纖維材料,以金屬為骨,纖維為皮肉的方式造作。造形的精髓是神韻的傳達,能掌握神韻,就能夠成就生動有力的作品。造形或變形是循環經濟中讓材料重獲新生的重要手法,也與金屬線狀塑形的創作理念不謀而合。   Wire sculpturing focuses on using linear elements to manipulate three-dimensional shapes. In addition to using typical metal wires, it can also be extended to other organic or inorganic fiber materials, using metal as bone and fiber as skin and flesh. The essence of modeling...

  以台灣農產為主題,推動友善耕作及良品醜蔬果(一週60公斤)製作法式甜點及果汁增加升級台灣農產、減少果食浪費,製作無糖無水的果汁及法式甜點,推廣台灣農產、提升農產價值,並採農廢再生循環包材,以全利用模式推動農業零廢棄。   Focusing on Taiwanese agricultural products, we promote eco-friendly farming and the use of perfectly good "ugly" fruits and vegetables (60 kg per week) to create French desserts and juices. This initiative aims to upgrade Taiwanese agricultural products and reduce food waste. We produce sugar-free and...

把世界上最不被關注和最美的東西結合在一起,打破傳統框架限制,拾起生活中準備被丟棄的材料,透過花藝創作,重新賦予物品新生命,希望透過每一個作品,帶大家看見環保永續與花,原來可以如此純粹的被展現,也共存在生活中的每一個角落,發掘美好。   Combine the most unnoticed and most beautiful things in the world, break the limitations of the traditional framework, pick up the materials that are ready to be discarded in life, and re-endow items with new life through floral creation. Through each piece of work, we...