
8 月 2024

科技減塑|英本工業累積50年塑膠材料技術,將塑膠工      業廢棄物打造成精美仿實木綠建材。 營建減碳|低碳建材、低碳工法整合,結合建材回收系      統,打造可執行落地營建減碳方案 。 循環永續|以建材回收系統解決營建廢棄問題,落實建      材回收再利用,循環永續、生生不息。 低碳製造|以低碳製程為理念核心,首創全產線導入太      陽能綠電、節電、碳足跡管理系統。   Technological building materials: SenSenWood’s “zero wood powder” manufacturing process is an exclusive recycled material technology, turning industrial waste into functional and practical building materials. ESG Sustainable Cycle: SenSenWood is a 100% recyclable and sustainable building material. The construction process is "zero waste". Sustainability is our Priority:...

  轉廢為金,京冠致力農食循環經濟!   京冠生技長期投入「農餘創生」、將各式各樣的農食副產物如咖啡渣、豆渣、茶渣等,轉化為具精準營養、預防醫學特色的動物飼料原料與動物飼料添加劑,經獨家固態發酵後,製成新時代植物性蛋白替代原料,將原本無法直接使用的廢棄豆渣,透過生物轉化後,增加營養利用效率,重新運用於動物飼料配方。以最佳化的飼料配方,達到最高品質的生產效率,更大幅提升經濟動物的產業及品質。   One's trash, other's treasure. Turning waste into treasure, KGbio is dedicated to agricultural circular economy! KGbio has long been committed to "agricultural surplus regeneration", transforming various agricultural by-products such as coffee grounds, soybean pulp, tea residues, etc., into precise nutrition and preventive medicine-oriented raw materials for animal...

  SJ GROUP簡單集團企業識別,以英文名稱Simple is the best(簡單最好)之英文字首S 和Just for You的 J(人本思考)為發展基礎,將多元化的服務延伸至全世界。在製造過程中適度添加回收材料以降低成本、調整物性、及減少資源浪費。長久以來,利用垃圾不需分類回收法,先回收廢棄物、取得再生資源,並應用於其原始產品的製造上,以降低廢棄物對地球自然生態造成的影響,善盡企業主對環境保護的社會責任 。   SJ GROUP is one of the professional manufacturers specializing in foam materials. Simplicity has always being our managing policy since the inscription, making core technique a lifestyle. Environmental consideration is the guideline of the group...

  艾斯朵朵(Sdoll)提供回收再製和生物可分解等環保材質的服裝和用品,希望協助消費者自然參與環保行動。我們相信減少石化產品的使用,將會減少不可分解的垃圾,降低塑膠微粒的污染, 可為地球的生生不息創造一個可持續的環境。   Sdoll: Through our eco-friendly clothing and products—crafted from recycled and biodegradable materials—we aim to inspire consumers to embrace environmental care in their daily lives. Our ultimate goal is to decrease dependence on petroleum-based products, reduce non-biodegradable waste including pollution from micro plastic, and contribute to a...