
8 月 2024

羽田、意旨羽化重生的土壤,欲改善土壤狀況回歸健康土壤,羽田目前與全台逾120位農民契作有機根莖類農產品,加工後出售至通路,下腳料及廢棄物利用黑水虻生物處理技術,轉換為黑水虻幼蟲與肥料,肥料再度回歸契作農使用,幼蟲可製成飼料。 黑水虻幼蟲亦可製成微生物製劑,運用於廢水處理,降低SS及COD效果顯著,增加活性污泥池之負荷,產出之有機性污泥利用黑水虻處理又可製成微生物製劑,進行循環使用。 羽田的循環在於果皮、菜渣、廚餘等等重生再利用於肥料回歸農田,飼料回歸養殖業;有機性污泥回歸微生物製劑,再利用於廢水處理,是三個完𤨣封閉經濟循環體系。   Yuland means soil that has been reborn. In order to improve soil conditions and return to healthy soil, Yuland is currently cooperating with more than 120 farmers across Taiwan to produce organic rhizome agricultural products, process them and sell them, and use biological treatment technology...

  天然材質或人造PU製成的純素皮革產品並非一般消費者的首選,其實大眾未必知道製造動物皮革需要用上大量水資源,且鞣製過程中使用的化學品會造成水和土壤污染,最後還要用上數十年才能把動物皮革分解。有見及此,青田兔庭致力於推廣創新純素皮革 (不包括PVC皮革),作為首間在台灣的純素皮革選物品,我們希望透過引進多個歐美品牌,去迎合和滿足不同風格的消費者。   Natural materials or artificial PU-made vegan leather products are not a preferred choice for most consumers. In fact, a lot of people are unaware of producing animal leather consumes a very large amount of water and those chemicals used in the tanning process cause...

富升包裝科技有限公司,是一家提供紙製品循環包裝結合物聯網紙箱回收機的新創企業。我們致力於在當今網購時代,開發出符合國內外環保趨勢的『免膠帶循環拉拉紙箱』,提供品牌客製箱型尺寸和拆封箱次數,以撕拉條雙面膠取代封箱膠帶,一撕即減塑!為消費者提供不受時間和地域限制的依需循環網購體驗。同時我們也自主開發了市場唯一的『物聯網紙箱回收機』,可模組化串連智取櫃,佈建於商場、社區和實體通路,並結合具有互動行銷的派樣功能,提供網購消費者智取包裹,拆箱後智慧回收獎勵做環保的創新循環經路徑,為品牌客戶從『循環包裝+回收科技』構建雙循環的新業態。   Lalapackaging Co., Ltd. is an innovative start-up revolutionizing the packaging industry through its "Intelligent Cardboard Box Recycling and Smart Package Retrieval System." Our cardboard box recycling machines have been combined with the modular network of Smart Parcel Lockers that can be deployed in shopping malls,...

恰口科研由清華大學材料碩博士及專業農民團隊組成,經農科院、國科會TTA及經濟部輔導,於2018年成立並致力於非化學農藥技術研發,以農業廢棄物(果皮、種子等)萃取複方植物精油,搭配竹炭製成之碳晶球載體製成植物保護製劑取代化學農藥、提升田間良率,以採後保鮮製劑延長農產保鮮期、降低儲運耗損率,從田間保護到採後保鮮技術協助農產內外銷、促進產值提升、及ESG農業發展。   Since 2018, Charco has dedicated development of non-pesticides technologies. Our technologies and products were supported by Agricultural Technology Research Institute, Taiwan Tech Arena of National Science and Technology Council and Ministry of Economic Affairs. Our major products are made by complex plant essential oils extracted...

  使用永續的植物基地為食材,大豆、綠豆仁、南瓜、紅蘿蔔,利用食品加工技術做出口感風味都相似的植物蛋。相較雞蛋產業造成的環境污染,可以嘗試選擇更友善環境的植物蛋。   Using sustainably sourced plant-based ingredients such as soybeans, mung beans, pumpkin, and carrots, we can utilize food processing techniques to create plant-based eggs that mimic the texture and flavor of traditional eggs. Compared to the environmental pollution caused by the egg industry, opting for plant-based...

  全永欣科技股份有限公司專注於生產環保可分解之器皿相關產品,包含吸管、湯匙、叉子、杯子、盤子等,都是使用天然無塑的植物萃取生物基製造而成,並取得多項國際環保認證,讓消費大眾能夠更安心使用。     CYH Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on the production of environmentally friendly and home decompostable utensil-related products, including straws, spoons, forks, cups, plates etc., which are all made of natural plastic-free, plant extract bio-based products and with many international certifications to ensure consumers’ food safety concerns....

  1990年成立,以生產緩衝包材起家的瑩迪企業,因產品製程中有一道步驟需使用蒸氣,而蒸氣來源是靠鍋爐燃燒煤炭產生,過程中產生大量碳排。隨著業績成長,碳排愈來愈多,因深感長期使用煤炭或天然氣不是對環境永續的最佳策略。2010年初我們開始改變產品生產過程,以農林修剪枝材製成的木質顆粒取代煤炭,重視客戶使用產品後所面對的環保問題,從設計開始,我們以「無毒害」、「易回收」、「省資源」等方向構思,改善能源使用效能、降低廢棄物產生量和碳排放量需求。   Founded in 1990 as a manufacturer of cushioning materials, Ynidyi Enterprise Co. Ltd. relied on steam in one of its production processes, with the steam being generated by burning coal in a boiler. This process resulted in significant carbon emissions. As our business grew,...

  蓋樂生技運用水食副產品--『魚鱗』提取膠原蛋白作為基礎,從日常保健開始照護毛小孩,以膠原蛋白型作為基礎項目,接著針對各不同部位去進行保健元素的添加,像是針對骨骼、視力以及關節等添加鈣、葡萄糖胺以及木鱉果等,另外也主打可以安撫毛小孩情緒和維持正常新陳代謝的GABA系列,創造出毛飽寶功能性料理包和食材原料包,蓋樂不僅將魚鱗浪費問題和寵物日常保健做結合,也遵循循環經濟理念,希望能在永續行為上盡一份心力。   Foundjoy uses the by-product of water and food - "fish scales" to extract collagen as the basis. It starts with daily health care to take care of fur babies, taking collagen type as the basic item, and then adds health care elements to different...

  Shaw Contract 全系列EcoWorx地毯,以搖籃到搖籃的設計原則,設計出第一款不含PVC的地毯。在地毯使用結束後,由太格負責台灣地區集結,回收至美國原廠的循環工廠,將使用過的地毯進行分離、拆件、揉碎,最後成為下一張同等品質的EcoWorx地毯的原材料,真正做到一個閉合循環產品的價值鏈,地毯的原材料可以100%重複使用,減少對新原物料開採的需求,沒有廢棄物的產生,同級循環的地板材料。 Shaw Contract's EcoWorx carpet, based on the cradle-to-cradle design principle, features the first PVC-free carpet. After the carpets' lifecycle ends, they are collected in Taiwan by Semiflor, then sent back to Shaw's recycling plant in Georgia, United States. The used carpets are separated,...

  在蛋品上追求精益求精之外,大武山牧場也不忘回饋土地,致力於ESG永續發展議題,透過自建堆肥場將雞舍排泄物轉為有機質肥,與農民一起努力推廣友善農業,使得土地得以循環利用,期待讓每一顆雞蛋的背後,都同時代表著一份土地的關懷。 大武山牧場希望不只當個替食安把關的鮮蛋專家,也要當個替土地把關的鮮蛋專家!   Established in 2007, Dawushan Farm started to produce eggs in 2011 and officially launched its brand in 2013. As Taiwan's largest single egg farm, Dawaushan Farm is determined to take a different path and set the highest standards for the egg industry. Every farm chicken...

永續時尚服飾品牌EVOPURE+倡導永續時尚理念,致力更多友善環境的紡織產品應用。品牌全系列產品使用台灣在地回收廢棄物再製的紡織原料,有效落實降低碳足跡。 品牌分為兩個產品線: REDAILY COLLECTION - 使用回收保特瓶,回收牡蠣殼與回收漁網或是廢棄尼龍絲再製的纖維。 OWNLIFE COLLETION - 使用低碳排農業廢棄物 - 鳳梨葉再製的纖維(PALF)。 品牌同時積極參與跨領域生態圈的合作,以期提供社會大眾更多創新環保且永續的纖維、紗線與布料選擇。   EVOPURE+ advocates the concept of sustainable fashion and focuses on providing eco-friendly textile products. Going from textile production to green production, EVOPURE+ sources locally as a commitment on reducing carbon footprints and energy waste. The brand currently has...

  「中台資源科技股份有限公司」主要經營項目為「焚化處理熱能回收發電與底渣再利用」、「廢光源與廢印刷電路板回收再利用」及「熱裂解」等循環經濟解決方案。 本公司「慢泥(Money)」品牌創始來自於「廢棄物是錯置的資源」的理念。「慢泥」之「水泥塊」系列產品及文創品,材料添加來自廢照明光源回收之「再生玻璃料」、廢印刷電路板之「混凝土摻料」或是焚化處理生產的「再生粒料」。將錯置的資源妥善的處理與應用,即可將廢棄物(Waste)的W轉換180度變成金錢(Money)的M,充分發揮廢棄物變黃金的技術,再次循環成為可利用的資源。   ChungTai Resource Technology Corporation primarily focuses on circular economy solutions such as "waste-to-energy incineration and bottom ash reuse," "recycling and reusing waste light sources and printed circuit boards," and "pyrolysis." Our "Money" brand originates from the concept that "waste is a misplaced resource." The "Money" series...