擅長療癒設計並結合永續概念與循環設計 , 於日常生活中持續創新與創作,躲在興趣中,療癒自己,關心社會,想療癒這個世界。
透過隨手可得的回收紙,以及海廢牡礪殼粉製成的擴香石學習材料,融入不同的主題與情境,推廣校園永續環保手作體驗教育 。
Specializing in healing design that combines sustainability and eco-friendly design, she continually innovates, creates, indulges herself in hobbies, cares for society, and wishes to heal herself and the world. Available recycled paper and oyster shells are used to create learning materials, incorporating various themes and contexts to promote hands-on sustainable environmental education in schools.
.再生手作紙設計學習材料 Recycled Handmade Paper Craft Kits
.蚵殼擴香石 Oyster Shell Scent-diffusing Stones
.石膏擴香石 Gypsum Scent-diffusing Stones
.雲垛盲袋Recycled Mystery Bags
.以體驗為樂趣的工作坊Healing Workshop