



威剛科技集團除本業記憶體外 ,也致力於電動車等綠能事業佈 局 ,旗下子公司威速登科技在 2019 年推出首款商用電動三輪車 ,已取得台灣物流市場市占領先地位。 威剛科技利用自身的力量推動科技創新、拓展永續發展的邊界,包含 推出「綠色儲存概念系列產品」提供消費者更低碳、低耗能的選擇;搭 載由威剛自主研發的核心電動馬達及控制器系統 ,堪稱是台灣 綠能創新物流的先行者,推出「全台第一款商用電動三輪車」。目前 已與多家物流業者共同打造台灣綠能物流產業鏈,重新定義物流行 業,為未來城市交通提供更靈活多元和高效的解決方案。 公司長遠目標為持續開創新物流運送,創造更多元、便利的營運 商業模式,以實際行動表現環保愛地球,期能以親身實踐環保,愛護 家園的方式支持政府淨零與永續發展政策。


In addition to its main business of memory, ADATA Technology Group is also committed to the layout of green energy businesses such as electric tricycle. Its subsidiary Awayspeed Technology launched an electric tricycle in 2019 and has achieved a leading position in Taiwan’s logistics market. ADATA Technology uses its own strength to promote technological innovation and expand the boundaries of sustainable development, including the launch of “green storage concept series products” to provide consumers with lower carbon and low energy consumption choices; the core electric tricycle independently developed by ADATA and controller system, it can be said to be a pioneer in green energy innovative logistics in Taiwan, launching “Taiwan’s first electric tricycle “. Urban transportation provides more flexible, diverse and efficient solutions. The company’s long-term goal is to continue to develop and innovate logistics delivery, create a more diversified and convenient operating business model, and demonstrate environmental protection and care for the earth with practical actions. We hope to support the government’s net-zero and sustainable development policies by personally practicing environmental protection and caring for our homeland.