


台灣茶具有限公司 Tea Grace

台灣茶具有限公司以循環經濟為理念將蚵殼粉結合天目釉茶具製作,注重可持續發展和資源再利用。 蚵殼被視為一種廢棄物,但是透過專利技術和傳統陶製工藝結合,被轉化為『油滴天目釉』的茶器製品。產業的發展不僅促進經濟增長,還推動環保和陶藝文化傳承的進程。


Based on the concept of circular economy, Taiwan Tea Set Co., Ltd. combines oyster shell powder with Tianmu glaze tea sets to make tea sets, focusing on sustainable development and resource reuse. Oyster shells are considered a waste, but through a combination of patented technology and traditional pottery techniques, they are transformed into “Oil Drop Tenmu Glaze” teaware products. The development of the industry not only promotes economic growth, but also promotes environmental protection and the inheritance of ceramic culture.