


厝邊 MyNeighbor

厝邊為鄰里間的二手物交流拍賣平台,台灣第一個原生社區型電商。厝邊主打「面交」,在這裡出清尋物不用手續費、省去包裝和寄運、當面確認物品狀態,輕鬆又安心,不但落實環保永續、更增添社區互動的溫度。厝邊的理念是:溫暖惜物 社區共好,厝邊以二手交易為始,持續深耕在地連結,目標打造出全方位在地資訊社群。


MyNeighbor is the first location-based social commerce platform in Taiwan that facilitates secondhand buy-and-sell activities within communities. The app encourages users to do in-person transactions, hoping to eliminate unnecessary packaging and shipping services. Sellers do not pay any extra fees, and through location verification, you can deal directly with real neighbors. MyNeighbor enriches every community by building trustworthy connections, creating values for used goods, and eventually making the communities better. Our vision is to become the hyperlocal community app in Taiwan.