一、簡介與背景Introduction and background
TOTAL CARE 保養清潔服務、舊翻新服務
羽絨產品用久髒掉了, 只能丟掉嗎?
TOTAL CARE是全方位羽絨管家,傳承合隆毛廠百年羽絨專業底蘊,針對消費者生活遇到的羽絨製品問題,提出全方位解決方案。
TOTAL CARE is the expert in down maintenance services, inheriting a century of expertise from HOP LION FEATHER WORKS CORP. We provide comprehensive solutions for everyday consumer issues with down products.
The beauty of down lies in its unique natural properties, wherein it’s lifespan can be extended through professional down treatment processes. With our century-long expertise with down, we aim to offer customers the most professional and most convenient services, extending the lifespan of down products to endure with customers in their everyday practice of sustainability and cherishing possessions.
二、創辦人介紹 Introduction
創辦人 陳彥誠
Having inherited 116 years of experience in the down and feather industry, the Hop Lion team is advancing with the times, adapting to a changeable environment.
三、分享內容及流程 Share Content and Process
體驗手作 1小時
合隆TOTAL CARE – 天然澎澎枕
- 活動名額:20名
- 澎澎枕規格 : 寬30cm*長40cm。填充重量250g
- 每份內容如下:
- 枕殼 *1各(隨機花色)
- 羽毛 *250g
- 針*1 支(需要回收)
- 線些許
- 手做方式:親手將羽絨填入枕殼中,感受羽絨的天然彈性。填充完成後,使用針線將填充口縫合,您將擁有一個舒適又環保的萬用小抱枕。
- 提醒:10歲以下的學員不適合單獨操作,需有一位家長陪同協助。此外,本次羽絨枕體驗課程主要進行羽絨填充部分,由於羽毛輕盈,可能會有飄散的情況。如果您對此較為敏感,建議自備口罩。這次活動特別適合親子共同合作,享受一起動手完成作品的樂趣!