
Author: 超越圈圈

  華南社區翻轉教育,打造跨區就讀、人口回流、生態平衡充滿創造力與開放性的里山聚落。與產官學共同合作,從友善耕作轉型,農產升級,農廢再利用製成酵素液態皂,愛玉殼文創,環教桌遊開發等。延伸到大雲林,蚵殼養雞降低蛋品運輸耗損、檳榔炭結合社區茶席文化呈現,跨域整合雲林的美好,成為城鄉間的共好媒介與橋梁。發展出屬於大雲林地區的品牌,以教育為中心點,學為經,人為緯,集結出地方能量,如泉湧般澆灌出一畦畦產業田。   The Huanan Community transforming education to creat a satoyama settlement with cross-district educational model, population reflux, cological balance, and full of creativity and openness. Collaborating with industry, government, and academia, we have transitioned from friendly farming, upgrade agricultural products, repurposing agricultural waste into enzyme liquid soap....

  地方與循環議題的中介組織,透過直營的禾火食堂實踐友善食材的地產地食;東皋歇暝民宿不提供一次性洗沐用品;整修兩棟鹿港老屋-勝豐吧、瘦子咖啡,讓在地的百年老屋空間可以循環重生,並回歸當代使用;參先生設計,透過「布料再生」手法創造廢棄布料的第二生命。   The Kids From Lukang is an intermediary organization which specialized on managing regional revitalization and sustainable development issues. The restaurant we operate- Ourshokudo has been practicing local food production and consumption since the first day. The guesthouse Tang-ko Hioh-mî supports the idea of eco-friendly accommodation...

  「有限責任台灣友善書業供給合作社」由多家獨立書店集結共組,以社會企業形式,目前全台灣包含離島在內,友善書業的社員共有近兩百家獨立書店,許多書店運用閒置空間及老屋改造,依循各自社區風格與選書設計,並以閱讀為媒介,對內培養與在地社群的連結,參與永續行動,如推廣無塑生活、自備環保袋、友善小農食品、永續環境閱讀,對外亦積極推廣獨特的當地風土及友善環境,期待以閱讀的力量推動永續循環。   Friendly Book Supplies Co-operative Limited is formed by a collective of independent bookstores in the form of a social enterprise to address the existing challenges in the book distribution industry. Currently, there are nearly two hundred independent bookstores across Taiwan, including the outlying islands. They...

  以關心關懷為本,推廣環境教育與文化藝術、產業、學術多元化之整合,提供多元參與社會服務之機會,促使青年投入關懷服務事業,以實際行動美麗台灣。長期推動廢棄旗幟文創再生應用,以旗幟材料回、文創商品、裝置藝術創作推動循環再生。     Rooted in care and concern, we promote the integration of environmental education with cultural arts, industry, and academia. We provide diverse opportunities for engagement in community service, encouraging young people to get involved in caring service initiatives, and actively beautify Taiwan through practical actions. We...

  台灣明愛會,計畫出一條台灣可以徒步健行走訪鄉鎮或部落天主堂的路線,來讓大家認識台灣各地文史,激發珍愛台灣情懷。台灣有很多閒置教堂,可以提供本地或海外來的朝聖者,以徒步方式來趟低碳的另類旅行。 台灣有600多間教堂,都是早期來自各個不同教會團體篳路藍縷創建,透過徒步的運動串聯起來,可以提供簡樸的住宿。     The Taiwan Caritas Society (TCS) is planning to create a hiking route that allows people to explore various towns and tribal communities in Taiwan while visiting Catholic churches along the way. This initiative aims to introduce participants to the rich cultural and historical heritage of...

  綠色和平是一個獨立的全球性環保組織,致力於以實際行動推動積極的改變,保護地球環境與世界和平。我們透過研究、教育和遊說工作,推動政府、企業和社會大眾共同尋求環境問題的解決方案。 成立於1971年,綠色和平在全球超過55個國家設有28間全國或區域辦公室,擁有超過300萬名支持者,為了維持公正性和獨立性,綠色和平不接受任何政府、企業或政治團體的資助,只接受個人和獨立基金的直接捐款, 我們的願景,是確保地球得以持續孕育多樣且豐富的生命。   Greenpeace is an independent global environmental protection organization committed to promoting positive changes with practical actions to protect the earth's environment and world peace. Through research, education, and lobbying, we engage governments, businesses, and the general public in solving environmental problems. Founded in 1971, Greenpeace has...

  人禾基金會自2007年成立,以維繫環境倫理、推動環境永續發展為目的,致力於擴大社會對永續環境議題的關注和參與、體制內環境教育的落實。近年協助環境部資源循環署(前身為行政院環境保護署廢棄物管理處)推動校園資源循環議題環境教育,依據不同學習階段之需求,提供教學素材或導入相關學習資源。   Established in 2007, Environmental Ethics Foundation of Taiwan (EEFT) aims to maintain environmental ethics and promote sustainable environmental development, and is committed to expanding society's attention and participation in sustainable environmental issues and implementing environmental education within the system. In recent years, we have assisted...

    台灣玩具圖書館協會18年來以教育和環保為核心,與公部門、企業、及非營利組織合作,逐步形成全國性的玩具循環系統,這不只是一個物流系統,更是一場全民永續行動。從募集、整理、到運用的每個環節,我們提供全國各地、不同年齡層的民眾共同參與。       For 18 years, the Taiwan Toy Library Association has fervently advocated education and environmental preservation, forging strong partnerships with government, business, and nonprofits to create a nationwide toy recycling system that transcends mere logistics. This movement embodies enduring sustainability, embracing society. Since inception, it's gathered...