12 10 月 【循環設計】和木相處 Day & Night with wood
運用循環經濟理念提高剩木器傢俱製造廠所產生出的多餘木料角料加以回收再利用,並藉由木工工藝特色提升原民特有圖騰文化特色及工藝價值。減少讓餘、廢木料燃燒對環境空氣污染的二次傷害以及隨意棄置傾倒導致環境髒亂。因應CITES公約管控濒危木材的濒危木材範圍,減緩木料木材的砍伐,在環境永續上有所作為。 The concept of circular economy is used to improve the recycling of excess wood scraps produced by wood furniture factories, and enhance the cultural characteristics and craft value of unique Indigenous designs through the characteristics of woodworking craftsmanship. We reduce the secondary damage to environmental...